

Blah. I got hit with one of the worst colds I've ever had! ack. It seems to be on it's way, but still. It's really hard to make beads when you've had your fair share of cold medicine...just doesn't feel so *safe* lol.
I'm signed on to do a craft fair on December 6th! This should be loads of fun! I need to make an inventory. People at craft fairs don't tend to want loose beads....for some strange reason they want me to actually make stuff out of the beads. Whatever ;) So I'm thinking earrings, maybe pendants...what else? Keyrings? I have no ideas...how about zipper pulls? Think stocking stuffers. Ideas please!!!
Four auctions up right now - the last of the Halloween beads, a big amber pumpkin (super snazzy if I do say so) and some yummy chocolate lentils :)


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