
Only 5 months? Funny, seems MUCH longer...

Well. I guess some explanation is due, yes? Halloween came and went, and then Christmas was a big deal. I signed on to do a couple of craft/gift shows and that sucked up all of the time and energy (and jewelry) that I could possibly come up with. After that - total burn out!

By New Year's I was pretty certain that we were expecting our second child! We're really excited about this...and a little scared. It's been six years since the last one ;) Anyhow, bead making is out for me for a while. Some say it's safe during pregnancy, but I'm choosing the side of caution. The glass is full of metals and minerals and all kinds of salts....who knows exactly what happens to all of that stuff when it enters an 1800 degree flame right in front of your face??? I have proper ventilation and the right 3M mask, but still, you only get one chance to form those brain cells.

The baby is due August 28th. Just four short weeks after my 20th high school reunion (figures). I'll be lookin' gooooood :D I'm really looking forward to all of this. What a year it will be!